Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Storyboard and Technicalities

Here are some very rough sketches of how I plan to tackle filming. The film opening will consist of mostly, close ups, medium shots, pans and tilts which I will personally do as I film. Now, what will add to the suspense and mystery, will be done with editing. I plan on lowering the brightness and saturation of the clips to satisfy thriller conventions, enhancing the dark feel of the film. I will also interlace quick cuts between scenes to add to ambiguity and a feel of restlessness between takes. What I think will tie the entire clip together, is the cryptic demonic figure who the audience will only catch glimpses of, as it will be set in a black background and only shown through close up of body parts. 

Box commentaries, beginning left to right:
Box 1: Wide shot establishing bathroom setting.
Box 2: Contrast of colors between protagonist and bathroom to showcase detrimental state of the character. Over the shoulder shot to establish character.
Box 3: Tilt down + medium shot - looking down at medication and sighing.
Box 4: Close up of hand clutching antipsychotic meds. Schizophrenic voices start echoing.
Box 5: Medium side profile shot - frustration settles in, contemplates listening to voices and discarding pills.
Box 6: aerial view of toilet - flushes pills in hopes voices stop.
Box 7: close up of face - voices get worse, frustration builds.
Box 8: close up of face - eyes open and widen, evidently bloodshot, signaling beginning of psychotic episode.
Box 9: Wide shot of protagonist cutting hair and screaming. The action is given depth with quick cuts that lead into changing perspectives of her cutting her hair.
Box 10: As the hair is being cut, inserts of another scene begin to take place; Ambiguous creature inching closer.
Box 11: cuts of the scissor acts as visual transition between scenes being paralleled. Sped up actions add to mystery and suspense.
Box 12: Mid shot - scenes combine. Demonic hand grands protagonist, signaling the transition from mind to reality.
(decided to modify the storyboard as I typed)
Box 13: scene goes black.
Box 14: fade in from back to a high angle of protagonist on the floor. Camera tilts up, revealing "Pandora" [Title sequence] written on the floor with blood. Foot steps of the demonic creature creep up  over Pandora, smudges the name, and walks out of bathroom
Box 15: black out; credits begins with faint schizophrenic voices in the background which then become overpowered by a sinister laugh.

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