Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Filming Schedule

Before I go ahead and even turn on the camera, I wanted to plan out my day and create and itinerary and to do list to make sure I cover all my bases. I plan to film March 24-26 (I think I can finish all in one day but I think its a good idea to give myself some wiggle room). This gives me a week and a half to edit my film opening and create my CCR.

Friday, March 24th
- wake up (duh)
- make my way over to Party City to purchase the wigs
- gather props. (i.e. wigs, costume, make up, scissors, medicine container)
- gather equipment (camera, tripod, lights, microphone)
- make sure setting is neat, tidy and available (aka my house bathroom)
-  confirm actress availability

Saturday, March 25th
- Go over game plan (story board)
- charge camera
- ask a couple of friends to assists on filming day
- replace medicine label with fake antipsychotic medicine label
- have wig brushed and ready to go

Sunday, March 26th
- lights, camera, action!
- have 2 cameras handy to vary the angles and add depth
- snacks and refreshments! filming can be exhausting

This is pretty much all I can think of right now. I plan on doing a reflection post after filming day to explain the creative process, what went wrong, what went right, and any alterations to the storyboard or overall plot.

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